Help Sections

Adding About Section Extended Info

Adding Extended Info

  1. Under Sections, click on About.
  2. Scroll down to the Extended Info block.
  3. Click on the field you would like to add, for example: Experience.
  4. Hit the Add a position button.
  5. Fill out all of the fields related to this position.
  6. Click Save position and then Done to exit the popup.
  7. Continue down the sidebar to add Education, Clients, Skills etc. until you're happy with the page.

Reordering Extended Info

  1. Click on the Reorder link beside the Extended Info header.
  2. The + now turns into a draggable handle (three lines).
  3. Click and hold to drag your entries into the order you'd like.
  4. Click the Reorder link again to exit reordering mode.