We know how hard it is to launch your own portfolio. It's a mix of not having too much time and fighting against your own perfectionism. You're a creative after all, and that's a good thing (: So here are 5 tips on how to get the most out of your new Carbonmade portfolio.

1. Upload a custom logo
Uploading a custom logo is easy and you can use a GIF, PNG, JPG, or whatever you please. It's a small thing that makes your online portfolio more personal and stand out.

2. Change your portfolio grid
Try out some different portfolio grids. The easiest and fastest way to change the entire look of your portfolio is to change the portfolio grid. Perhaps your work suits better on a clean square grid? Or maybe some bigger featured images? It's just one click away.
PS: You do need to add some projects first of course to see it's effect.
→ How to change your portfolio layout

3. Change your navigation
Your navigation is a big part of the overall layout of your website. Luckily Carbon 4 makes it easy, you can change your entire navigation with the click of just a single button.
→ How to change your navigation

4. Try out some different fonts
Some say that getting the typography right is half of what design is all about, and we think that's very true especially when it comes to web design. If you see any text in Carbon, just mark it and play around with the size, spacing and fonts if you want. Super simple.

5. Use blocks to build your case studies and project pages
Blocks are the heart of the new Carbon of your case studies. Simply drag a block you like on the page, click the ⚙️ icon on the right side of the block and customize away! Try re-ordering blocks and build your project pages exactly the way you always wanted.
→ Re-order and customize your blocks
Whatever you do, I hope you have fun when creating your portfolio. After all, it's about your passion and showing off your beautiful work. If you ever need help, don't forget our entire team is here to help you.
Just visit help.carbonmade.com or write us a quick email if you couldn't find what you were looking for.